It has been a huge couple of weeks around here. The lead up to the Coffee With Kirsten charity event was massive. It required a much bigger workload than I anticipated and required a lot of checklists and very late nights to make it all happen!
Add my regular work, blogging and mum commitments into the mix and staying on top of everything became quite the juggle.
A few people had said to me, “You just need to get this week out of the way and then you’ll be fine.” But I really wanted to enjoy everything about the Coffee With Kirsten event.
I didn’t want to get anything out of the way. I wanted to be right there in it, enjoying every second and not wishing it away.
But I also knew that organising everything on my own had the potential to leave me completely and utterly exhausted. (Which, just quietly, is well and truly has!)
So I got my sensible on and did the following things to avoid falling into an exhausted heap last week.
4 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You’re Exhausted
1. Make a to-do list and stick to it
Doing this made sure I was not wasting time on tasks that weren’t required.
There was everything scribbled on that list from ’email such and such’ to ‘pack coat hangers’. I started at the top and worked my way through, crossing off each task as I had finished it. I can’t tell you how good it felt to cross the last thing off that list!
2. Say no
I politely declined all event invitations that fell the week before and after my own event. I was really disappointed to have to do that, as one in particular was going to be so much fun, but if I attended it would be one more thing to add into an already hectic time frame.
Politely saying no to people and events when you’re feeling is exhausted is ok. You don’t have to give a long-winded explanation. If Oprah believes ‘no’ is a whole sentence, you can believe it is too.
3. Treat yourself
The day before the event I took myself out for the morning and treated myself. I had my nails done and when I came across a gorgeous pair of earrings that were the perfect finishing touch to my event outfit, I bought them.
I’d scheduled this morning in my diary so I knew it was happening. Planning a reward for yourself is a great incentive to keep going when you’re feeling exhausted.
Wearing Nicole Fendel Aurelia Belle Hammered Earrings in soft gold purchased from Neon Laundry, The Zara Dress, Animal Print Size M/L from Renee Loves Frances, Zoe Kratzmann block heel – last season. Current season style here
4. Rest
It sounds obvious, but taking the time to actually stop and rest when you’re on a tight deadline and exhausted is easier said than done. Sometime you have to get a bit creative when it comes to having a rest, but it is important to allow yourself time to stop.
Last week I made sure I stopped work every day and had a lunch break.
Doing the school run each day was the perfect opportunity to chat with the kids about something other than work related things (a great way to give your mind a rest.)
I tried to get to bed before 10pm each night, but that plan was an epic fail. Most nights I were midnight finishes but they were well and truly worth it.
The Coffee With Kirsten charity event was an amazing afternoon. I will have a full wrap up right here on the blog, later in the week.
In the meantime, if you need me, I’ll be resting on the couch!
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