I don’t know about you but as I’ve gotten older I’ve developed several allergies. Here, in no particular order, they are.
5 Things I’m Allergic To
1. Cardio
I mean for a start it makes me sweat AND it messes up my hair. Plus it’s VERY time-consuming. Also, lycra.
2. $70 Phone Covers
So here’s the thing. I am a bit of a tech nerd. Cameras with wi-fi, Go Pro Drones, anything with an i in front of it – I’m all over it.
I also like my gadgets to look the part. So a few days ago I trotted into my local Apple store to purchase a phone cover for my shiny new iPhone. (Am also very clumsy, so a phone cover is essential.)
There were only two options to choose from – ugly and uglier – so I went with ugly while asking the Genius that was helping me where the cute covers were that had stripes or spots or anything other than industrial strength silicone on them were?
Apparently the pretty phone covers hadn’t arrived yet and that will be $69.95 thanks.
I’m sorry, how much? $69.95 for a phone cover? Is it dipped in actual gold? Did an actual genius make each one by hand and then venture into the amazon rain forest before carefully selecting one tree to chop down with a hand saw which she then pulped herself into paper before magically turning it into cardboard and origami-ing it into a box that slides open to reveal a 70 DOLLAR PIECE OF PLASTIC?**
Sorry but I think I am allergic to that.
** FYI: I didn’t actually say that last bit out loud. I did however question the price and politely told the Apple Genius that I won’t be purchasing the phone cover, thanks very much.
3. Citrus
Strangely enough, this allergy only seems to appear when I’m on a cocktail based juice cleanse. You can read about it in this post. It’s definitely worth a read!
4. Slow Walkers
Which is ironic given that I’m allergic to cardio. But put me in a shopping centre or a tourist destination of any description (hello Hawaii!) and I get my walk on like I’m going for gold.
Unless I get stuck behind slow walkers. Then my allergy kicks in and my decision-making skills are put to the test.
Do you go around? or Do you politely hang back? are the big decisions to make when facing this intense allergy. It’s very Situation Dependant but I like to live on the edge and usually opt for going around.
5. Kale
Look I don’t want to freak anyone out, but I think Kale might be the new Peanut Butter.
I mean it’s everywhere and I’m so allergic to it, I’m basically one kale sandwich away from requiring a dairy free epi-pen to the thigh.
If you think you might also suffer from a kale allergy, you should read my How To Quit Kale program. It’s full of useless tips and information that won’t be any help at all!
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