Over in the closed Facebook group I’ve got going on – new members are always welcome, click here to join us – we’ve been chatting about our water intake.
Specifically how tricky it can be to drink enough of it sometimes.
Because I am a lover of lists, I jotted down a few ideas and here they are. 8 easy ways to drink more water each day. I hope you find them helpful.
1. Keep a water bottle with you all day long
I take my water bottle everywhere. On the days that I’m hitting the sales running errands, it fits neatly in the side pocket of my handbag. When I’m working from home, it sits on my desk and when we go out to someone’s house, you guessed it, the water bottle comes too.
2. Add flavour to your H2O
And no, I don’t mean cordial. Infusing your water with fruit (lemon, orange, raspberries, strawberries), veg (cucumber slices add a refreshing flavour) and herbs (mint is a good one) adds a bit of interest to things.
3. Drink a cup’s worth before every meal
Do that and BAM! you’ve downed three glasses without even thinking. And you’ve filled you’re tummy up a bit, which can help if – like me – you’re on a mission to lose a few kilos.
4. Download an app to track your intake
There are so many apps to choose from and I’ve tried a few of them in the last week or so.
Daily Water is a good one. It’s free, has a reminder system and a tally chart.
Done is also good, particularly if you’re looking to create a variety of healthy routines. You set your own goals and it will remind you at your chosen time each day to get cracking with them.
5. Make it look pretty (or witty)
I don’t know about you but I think pretty things and witty words are a great combination.
Up your water game with a pretty glass, paper straw and coaster situation.
Or get your witty on and keep your water in a drink bottle that gives you the giggles every time you look at it.
1 litre ‘Suck It Up’ drink bottle from Typo, $4.50
6. Eat more water rich foods
Sadly chocolate doesn’t fall into this category. But foods with a high water content such as cucumber, lettuce, watermelon and celery do.
Munch on those and you’ll be adding more water to your day without even thinking about it.
7. Set an alarm on your phone
If apps aren’t your thing, maybe an alarm on your phone is? Set a few at regular intervals throughout the day to remind you to stop and have a drink of water.
8. Refill your bottle or glass as soon as it’s empty
That way you’ll continue to drink more water, rather than stare at an empty water bottle/glass for the rest of the day.
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