So yesterday Mrs Woog from Woogsworld kindly included this blog in her wrap up of 6 Funny Blog That You Should Be Reading.
Now once I saw that both Pam AND Charmaine had scored a mention, I obviously had to ask them both what they thought about it…and share those thoughts with you, of course!
First up, let’s re-live the texting that went on between Pam and I yesterday:
Hey Mum, you’ll be pleased to know that your superior stalking action was mentioned on Mrs Woog’s blog today.
Was it really?
Yep. Hang on, I’ll send you the link (link sent via text)
Guess this means I’m famous. Or infamous. Do you think I should look into getting myself an agent?
Um, I think you’ll be ok for now. Can I mention on the blog how you like to collect fridges and have 6 of them?
Only if you make it very clear that 5.5 of them are for champagne and the other half is for food. I don’t want your readers thinking I’m some sort of weird hoarder.
Got it. Thanks. Also, nobody will think you’re a hoarder but they will probably want to see evidence of your fridge collection, so be prepared for a blog post about that.
Oh for gods sake. Now I’m going to have to go to Dan Murphy’s and stock up so that all the fridges look full. Nothing worse than an empty looking fridge.
You’re so right. If I had a dollar for everytime I’ve said that last sentence out loud I’d have 25 cents.
I don’t even know what that means but I’m fairly sure you’re taking the mickey out of your mother.
You could be onto something there….
Honestly, the story of how Pam Stalked Mrs Woog NEVER GETS OLD. You can read it for yourself in this post.
And now, let’s take a look at the fairly lengthy faxing action that went on between myself and Charmaine yesterday:
Charmaine! Did you read Mrs Woog’s blog post today? You got yourself a mention!!
Holy Shit. Are you f*&king joking me? Give me 17 minutes so I can fire up the Dell laptop and check it out. This is the best bloody news I’ve had since I found out Mersaydees and Saturday both got accepted into the advanced pole dancing class at the local gym!
(24 minutes later)
Luv, what did she mean when she said I’ve got an ‘excellent bogan life’? There’s not really anything excellent about my life. Although now I think about it, I do have two gorgeous looking twin girls and a hubby who looks hot as in his fluro work gear, so it’s not all bad is it?!
It’s not all bad at all. I was a bit worried the ‘bogan’ bit might have offended you?
Nah! I love being a bogan. It means I can go to the shops in my ugg boots and nobody gives a shit. Seriously, you should ditch those fancy looking shoes you get around in and try it sometime. There’s nothing better than being comfortable when you’re putting in a hard day of shopping!
By fancy looking shoes, do you mean my ballet flats? Cos they’re cheapies I picked up on sale at Myer. They’re not really that fancy.
I wish I knew how to draw an eye roll on this fax machine thing cos I am eye rolling so hard right now, I think I might pass out. Ballet Flats are dead set fancy. I mean they have the word ‘ballet’ in them FFS.
Yeah, you kind of do have a point there. But don’t worry, I’m no ballerina.
Oh I know that luv! I’ve seen you on the dance floor. You’re got moves that Elaine from Seinfeld would be jealous of!!
Would you believe it’s not the first time I’ve heard that. Thanks for being a good sport about being mentioned on yesterday!
No Wucken Forries mate. Always happy to help out. Except on Fridays. That’s when I like to hit up my local for a massive bowl of wedges and a few sneaky bourbons. Then I’m no help to anyone. HAHA.
Now if you’re new around here, firstly WELCOME! And secondly, here are all the posts you need to know about in order to catch up on the whole Charmaine thing:
- It all started when I wrote a post called ‘Deay Guy At The Gym Who Thinks My Name Is Charmaine’ Please click here to read that one!
- That guy then wrote back. Please click here to read his reply.
- Then we went to Vegas and Scott thought it was HILARIOUS to tell the people at Starbucks my name was Charmaine. You can read all about that in this post.
- It looked like Charmaine was here to stay, so naturally we all needed some more info about her. Please click here to read the post called ‘5 Things You Need To Know About Charmaine’
- And this post features an actual interview with Charmaine herself, which is definitely worth a read.
- THEN good old Charmaine discovered emails and I was the first person she sent an email to! You can read all about that by clicking here
- And finally, the most recent Charmaine instalment involved a trip to Bali, a borderline affair with a New Zealand lawn mower man and a severe allergy to grass clippings. Please click here to read that doozy of a post!
So there we have it! An interview with Pam and Charmaine with all the Charmaine history thrown in for good measure. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and turn my phone onto silent because I’m fairly sure Pam will be calling me anytime now to ask why I made up the last little bit of our texting convo! (although it is true that she has 6 fridges. I promise I’ll get photos of them the next time I’m visiting!!)
Have you ever stalked somebody? How did that work out for you? As well as it did for Pam?! Do tell!
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