For those of you not in the know, January 26th is Australia Day, which marks the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain and the raising of the Union Jack at Sydney Cove in 1788.
It’s also a day where we get together with family and friends for a bbq and do classy things like
- thong* throwing competitions
- cockroach races and
- pie eating competitions.
*jandles if you’re a kiwi, flip-flops if you’re from the states
This year, if you’re invited to an Australia Day bbq and are asked to bring a plate, you might like to bring an Iced Vovo Cake.
How to make an Iced VoVo cake
The good old Arnotts Iced Vovo is a well-known biscuit here in Australia, that first hit the shelves back in 1906. Here’s what the biscuits look like.
I’d seen the idea of turning the biscuit into a cake floating around on pinterest and thought I’d have a crack at making one myself.
Turns out, it was actually very easy to make and almost looked like an actual Iced VoVo biscuit!
Here’s the recipe, should you wish to make your own Iced Vovo Cake this Australia Day. I hope your family enjoy it as much as mine did!
[yumprint-recipe id=’10’]Want more Australia Day ideas?
Check out my Australia Day Fun Pinterest Board
Read this post: Favourite Australian Slang Words and Phrases
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