Ok, so I’m having all sorts of issues uploading photos to the blog while we’re here in the good old US of A. I’m not sure what the problem is, but I can only assume my fairly hefty consumption of sugar, carbs and the *ahem* occasional cocktail prior to firing up the lap top might have something to do with it!
In order to keep things ticking along on the blog, let’s take a look at a post I wrote last year, when a local JW representative and a courier driver almost collided in my driveway. It was all sorts of awkward…
So this morning there was a gentle tap tap tap on the front door and when I opened it, a lovely man began a little sermon about how it’s far better to give than receive, especially at this time of year when we’re all so caught up with buying and spending vast amounts of dollars on items that we don’t actually need.
He then read a little passage from the bible, which totally backed up his non-spending, non-shopping theory and asked if I’d like a copy of the bible passage for future reference.
I smiled and thanked the non-shopping loving man for his kind words before politely declining his offer. He tipped his hat, said “good day” and headed out our gate and onto the driveway, where, right on cue, a courier driver pulled up in his van!
Not. Even. Kidding.
And just look at the size of what he was delivering….
I mean, I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or invite the courier driver in for a coffee. Talk about Divine Intervention of the Highest Order!
Well played Shopping Gods. Well played!
Awkward shopping moments. Ever had one?!
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