Last night I was on the phone to a fellow school mum as she’d kindly invited Sophie over to play, sorry, hang out (“Mum! I’m too old for play dates”) with her daughter. We were attempting to co-ordinate a suitable drop off time, which went a little something like this:
“I could pick Sophie up on our way back from dropping my eldest off at bowling?”
“That’s very kind of you, but I’ve got to drop Bailey and his two mates off at the movies at 2pm, kill 2 hours while they’re there, pick them up and then run his two friends home. So how about I drop Soph off at your place when I’m dropping Bailey’s mates home?”
“Yeah, that will probably work, although I’m not sure what time bowling is going to finish. How about I give you a call as we’re wrapping up and I’ll see where you are? We could meet somewhere along the way if that’s easier? Does Sophie want to sleepover?”
“Great idea. I’m sure she’d love to sleepover, although I’ll have to pick her up early the next morning as she’s meant to be going to her cousins house for the day. I’ve got to confirm that with my Sister In Law though, so I’ll let you know once I know.”
“Ok, that sounds good.”
“Honestly! These kids have a better social life than I do!”
“I know! AND it’s costing me a fortune!”
“Tell me about it. I mean even if we did have the chance to go anywhere on our own during the school holidays, we’d have no bloody money left in our wallets to actually do anything!”
(laughs) “That is so true!”
I don’t know about you, but I’ve done so many Mum’s Taxi runs and co-ordinated so many play dates/hang outs in the past 6 weeks, all with what can only be described as Military Precision, that I now feel qualified to pretty much organise the upcoming Queensland election, a wedding or two and the nationwide PR campaign for Kim Kardashian’s Selfie Book!
Yes, the latter really is a thing. Just look at what popped up on my Instagram feed this morning….
A decade of selfies you say? Well if that’s not progressive forward thinking, I don’t know what is!
And in amongst all of the kid related social life co-ordination duties, I’ve been flying solo (Scott’s currently overseas for work. Half his luck!) AND attempting to pack up the entire contents of our house (yes, we’re moving. Talk about excellent timing!)
Channelled my inner Charmaine and bought neon sharpies. Because that will make packing boxes in this feral heat so much easier!
So to summarise, while I love my kids with every fibre of my being, after 6 long weeks of doing nothing but running around after them, I’M DONE.
Wednesday 28 January (aka the first day of the 2015 school year for us) can’t come quick enough! I’ve already booked myself in for a 10.15am brow wax, cos I’ve had no chance to get them seen to during the holidays and they’re now so long I could basically plait them.
I’m also planning on doing a bit of shopping based cardio after my brows have returned to normal and I may or may not be just a little bit beside myself at the thought of hitting up my local Westfield for something other than new school shoes!
How about you? Are you on the Back To School countdown too? Please tell me I’m not the only one!
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