Last Friday I celebrated my birthday (head on over to this post if you’d like to enter my Birthday Giveaway, where there’s $260 worth of prizes up for grabs!)
Scott and the kids gave me a gorgeous blue bike, which of course needed a name. I couldn’t think of one, so I put a call out on the blog’s Facebook page asking for suggestions.
There were so many great names put forward, with Betty, Betty Blue and Bluebell being the most popular. Even Pam got in on the act, suggesting the very clever name of Bluey Vuitton!
And while I loved all of the suggestions, I thought Jenni from Styling Curvy‘s suggestion of Mabel was the perfect name for my new bike! (thanks Jenni!)
So far Mabel and I have been on three bike rides together, including one very long ride on Sunday with Scott and Sophie that left me, well, a bit exhausted!
You see there’s a fantastic bike track near our house, that winds it’s way through a couple of suburbs. It takes you through everything from peaceful bush settings to parklands full of rowdy cricket matches. We spent a solid hour riding through the bike track and during that time I made a couple of interesting observations:
1. Scott thinks of himself as a bit of an action man on his mountain bike. Yep, he spent a fair bit of time whizzing past me while pulling a wheelie, skidding onto the long grass beside the bike track and narrowly missing several locals who were trying to take their dogs for a walk.
2. Sophie likes to give quite the running commentary while she’s on her bike, “Look Mummy! It’s a swamp!” “Oh look at the cute ducks. Do you think they know where their mummy is?” “Which way do I need to go next? Left or right?” “Do you have any water with you?” “Why is that man carrying a fishing rod?” “Why is Daddy going that way? Should we be going that way?” “Can I try riding without hands?” “Look Mum! I’m riding with no hands!” which was all a bit cute, but kind of made me wish I’d also packed some panadol because all the noise was giving me a bit of a headache.
3. And then there’s me, quietly plodding along on my cute little bike with it’s cute little basket, taking in the changing landscape and thinking about how I’d love to stop and take some photos because we really do live in a beautiful part of the world and that once you peddle ahead of your family, this whole bike riding thing really is quiet peaceful.
Until of course Action Man and his side kick Little Miss Chatterbox come flying past me with a “YEEEHHHHAAA!” and a “HI MUMMY!!!” Then it was time to get back on my bike and follow the noise home!
Do you own a bike? Does it have a name? And do you go on family bike rides that leave you a bit exhausted?
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