One of the things I love most about blogging is the interaction that happens as a result of what you do. Comments left here, on the Kirsten and co. Facebook page and conversations over on twitter are all a big part of blogging and something that I really love being involved in. Partly because I love a chat but mainly because, well, I love a chat!
When I first started blogging, way back in 2011, I thought it was a bit weird to meet up with people who I’d ‘met’ online. Because you know, it’s kind of drummed into you that you should never, ever meet up with someone you’ve interacted with online and so I avoided it. Fast forward a couple of years however, and the blogging world has exploded!
There are thousands of Aussie mums blogging everyday and as a result there are now blogging conferences, meet ups, PR opportunities and various blogging competitions being held around Australia almost every month. All of which have made meeting other bloggers in real life not at all weird, but in fact a networking necessity.
So far I’ve only met Anne from the blog Domesblissity, when we were up against each other in the Gourmet Garden Blog Off Cook Off Comp last year. And would you believe that Anne happens to live in the same area as me! I know. Small World. As a result, we’ve bumped into each other at the shops since the Cook Off Comp and let me tell you, Anne is one lovely lady.
She beat me hands down in the Cooking Comp and I really hope she takes out the main prize in the finals later this year, because she’s a fabulous cook, has a huge blog following and really deserves the win. If you haven’t already checked out her blog, you really should. If you love to cook and whip up crafty creations, then Anne’s blog is the one for you!
And today, in more blogging goodness, the gorgeous Janet from Redland City Living has featured both myself, Anne and 3 other local bloggers on her blog. Janet’s blog is only a few months old and is already experiencing huge success, so it’s a quite the honour to be mentioned on her blog today. Thanks Janet for the mention!
Finally, in keeping with sharing the blogging love, if you’ve got a blog that you’d like to flog, feel free to leave a link to it in the comments section below.
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