If you’re a regular reader here you might’ve noticed there wasn’t a blog post yesterday. That’s because I took my first sick day from the blog and it was surprisingly easy to do. I didn’t have to call anyone or leave a voice mail anywhere!
I just got up, tried to walk to the bathroom, wondered at what exact point this year did I morph into an 82-year-old who only leaves the house for medical appointments and prescription refills while clutching at the spot where I know my kidneys are meant to be, but obviously they have been replaced with some sort of heavy brick arrangement that likes to ache randomly yet painfully because holy shit I think I might pass out.
So a day on the couch it was. Which I think might be day number 278, not that I’m counting or anything. (I’m totally counting and just between you and me, I can not wait for 2015 AKA The Year Of The Couch to bugger right off!)
Remember the time I managed to smear a chocolate easter egg all over the brand new couch? Talk about good times! You can relive that magic in this post: How To Remove Chocolate From A Couch.
One of the things I love to share with you on this blog is the random, often funny things that always seem to happen to me whenever I’m out and about. Like the pushy sales bird I didn’t deal with a couple of weeks ago or the receptionists who email like it’s 1982.
But those things are really hard to write about when you’re stuck at home on the couch all day long!
Last night I was sitting on the couch with Scott, whinging to him about my blogging dilemma chatting about this pressing issue as he was scrolling through the 4,372 foxtel channels, not really paying attention deciding if he should watch Q&A or Ballers #thestruggleisreal
Being the problem solver that he is, Scott/Guns came up with a couple of ideas and while I thought they were eye roll worthy, he felt strongly that you, the readers, would love them. So in no particular order, here they are:
Scott’s Blogging Suggestions:
Drinking at 10 in the morning. Is it a bad thing?*
People with bad haircuts. You could start with most of the panel on Q&A. That is funny, but I have hair that looks like a perm, so…. #awkward
Crap TV on Foxtel. Although ‘Sex Sent Me To The ER’ might be worth a look? Oh FFS
Spray Tans. Should I get one?**
Agents. Why don’t I have one yet?***
*Scott went on to suggest that I crack a beer this morning and see how I go. I reminded him that I have a kidney infection and the last thing I feel like (or need!) is a drink. I think he said something about being a quitter and not taking this blogging thing seriously enough, but to be honest, I couldn’t hear him over my eye rolling.
** He didn’t suggest that. I threw that in there for comedy purposes. Also, sometimes he reads this blog and I like to wind him up #missionaccomplished
*** also didn’t suggest that, but we ALL know he’s thinking it!
It’s 10am somewhere! The agent-less cocktail maker is showing you how to make an Espresso Martini in this post: Cocktails With Kirsten: Easy Espresso Martini
So there you have it. Scott’s blogging suggestions. I’m not entirely sure I’ll be using them anytime soon, but at least there’s a blog post today!
Sorry if things have been a bit dull around here lately. I can’t wait for all of this health crap to be over and I promise as soon as I’m back to my old self, normal blogging transmission will resume!
Got a blogging suggestion you’d like to add?
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