So last month I decided to Bring The Pen Pal Back. Please click here, here or even here if you don’t know what I’m banging on about. We’ll wait for you to come back.
Unfortunately it’s come to my attention that a few of you have missed out on receiving a letter. I’m not entirely sure what’s happened there as I’ve got what can only be described as an Extensive Spreadsheet of everyone’s details who emailed through their details.
However, I think I’ve worked out that if you filled out the original contact form using a mobile device (iPad, iPhone etc) the form threw a tanty and decided not to forward me your information. I know. So thoughtful. And not at all irritating.
So, if you’re patiently waiting a letter please get in touch with me as I really don’t want anyone thinking I’m a slack mole who doesn’t keep track of info to miss out.
Also, it’s not too late to join in, so feel free to email me if you missed the first post and would like to be a part of my #bringingthepenpalback mission. I look forward to hearing from you!
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