Look, I won’t lie. When making this little Cooking With Kirsten video yesterday I was really hoping that by whacking my camera on a tripod it would magically make look 10 kilos lighter, 5cm taller AND transform my voice into that of a newsreader.
Sadly, none of those wishes came true, but I did manage to show you how to make chocolate chip cookies without swearing, dropping anything down from front or burning the baked goods, so I’d say that was a win!
Anyway, enjoy the first episode of Cooking With Kirsten and if you’d like to offer an suggestions for future episodes, that would be great! Oh and if you’d like to print out a copy of the chocolate chip recipe I used in the video, you’ll find it right here.
And there we have it! Episode One of Cooking With Kirsten done. What did you think? Be honest…all opinions welcome!
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