One of the things that has both fascinated and amused me no end while I’ve been lying under yellow umbrella number 11 for the past 10 days is the number of people who have rocked up to Waikiki beach with a selfie stick.
They have a lot in common, in that they don’t actually get into the water or sit on the beach. But they do wear their togs and smile like they are having THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES in Waikiki while they pose for the several hundred photos they belt out using their iPhone and selfie stick.
They don’t care who watches them do it and they spend an average of 10 minutes perfecting the group shot before running it through some sort of filter and uploading it to Facebook and Instagram. I know this because they stand at the water’s edge, looking at their phones while yelling to their friends, “Which filter should I use?” and “Hey, thanks for liking that photo already!”
Then they pack up their selfie stick, shove their phones in their back pockets, high five each other and leave the beach.
It’s honestly the strangest thing I’ve ever seen!
But then again, I’m a little bit old school and even though I take the occasional selfie I just don’t think I could bring myself to embrace the whole selfie stick thing.
How about you? Do you own a selfie stick? Would you own a selfie stick? Either way, I’d love to know your thoughts on this one!
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