Yesterday was International Women’s Day and I spent a fair chunk of it taking photos of our toilet for this blog post.
I mean if that doesn’t scream let’s celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women everywhere, I don’t know what does!
Does this happen at your place too?
You see at some point yesterday I walked into the toilet and this is what greeted me:
‘That’d be right’ I thought to myself as I saw the empty toilet roll.
But it’s all good because I am a woman and I can do anything!
I can solve any number of problems! Including the never-ending battle involving an empty toilet roll, a new roll of toilet paper and the other three members of this family who seem to have severely injured fingers every time an empty toilet roll is nearby.
So I turned slightly to my right, because that’s where I put the lovely little stainless steel and timber toilet roll holder thingy I purchased from Spotlight a while ago.
Normally I wouldn’t go to such extreme toilet paper storage lengths, but someone once told me that ‘timber brings warmth to a room.’ He was talking about a staircase at the time, but I’m sure a timber toilet roll holder has pretty much the same effect.
Anyway, when I turned to admire the warmth that I’m still waiting for the toilet roll holder to bring to the room AND to grab a roll of toilet paper, this is what I was met with:
On International Women’s Day.
Which basically taught me that the only person you can rely on in this world is yourself.
Change your own toilet roll, bring your own warmth to a room. Because nobody or nothing else can do it for you x
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