What are you doing for Valentine’s Day this year? Anything? Or giving the whole thing a miss?
I’m not really into Valentine’s Day but this year I’ve decided to up the romance stakes by taking the kids to the dentist and then hitting the shops to buy a new washing machine.
While I’m doing busy crossing those two jobs off my extensive ‘to-do’ list, Scott will be loading his car with boxes and taking them to our new house. I mean if that doesn’t scream romance, I honestly don’t know what does!
But I’ll tell you what I won’t be doing this Valentine’s Day and that’s going to see Fifty Shades Of Grey at the movies.
Yes, I read the books and to be honest, they really annoyed me.
I felt all sorts of sad for both characters because aside from being a complete weirdo in the bedroom, he was also a total control freak in pretty much every area of his (and her) life and she seemed to be very easily led into his manipulative ways. Irritating x1000!
I know, I know, it’s only a book and the characters aren’t real, but I remember closing the back cover on the third and final book in the Fifty Shades Of Grey trilogy and thinking, “Holy shit. There are young girls and old women and everyone in between reading this and thinking that they too can change a control freak into some sort of semi decent guy who will give them a nice house and a happy life.”
Maybe I was completely over thinking it back then, but those underlying tones of the books didn’t sit well with me then and they certainly don’t sit well with me now.
Also, is it just me or does the thought of watching Ana and Christian go at it in the red room while I’m trying to enjoy my popcorn and raspberry slurpie refreshing bottle of water in amongst a theatre full of randoms seem just a little bit weird?
Then again, taking your kids to the dentist, buying a washing machine AND moving house on Valentine’s Day is absolutely weird, so really, who am I to judge?!
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