Welcome to this week’s Blast From The Past. I wrote this post way back in May 2012. The issue at hand was a huge first world problem then and it kind of still is today!
Listen up lovely readers, cos we have what can only be described as a Major First World Problem on our hands.
As you would know, a few weeks ago I was very close to cracking 500 likers over on the blog’s Facebook page. In a spur of the moment, borderline romantic gesture, Scott announced that he was about to become the 500th liker. Cue loving looks and genuine thanks from me. For at the time, I thought it was just a little bit lovely that my non-facebook loving husband had decided to ‘like’ my page and become the 500th liker. Talk about teamwork!
Fast forward a couple of weeks on from that romantic gesture and reality has hit. My husband is reading the blog. And talking to me about it. And it’s kind of freaking me out.
I mean, up until a few sweet weeks ago, he had NO IDEA about the extended periods of time I may or may not spend at shopping centres. But now, thanks to what I write on this blog, he knows.
So Scott, if you’re reading this (and I know you are), I’d just like to apologise in advance for the chest pains, high blood pressure and popping neck veins that you may or may not experience while reading this blog. But look, if it makes you feel any better, it could be worse. You could be reading the credit card statements instead!
Do you have a blog? Does your husband read it?
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