Last week I read a blog post written by the hilarious Mrs Woog titled Release The Charge! where she asked readers how they lived their lives. Were they organised souls or perhaps a bit more on the chaotic side?
I left a comment saying I’m one of those REALLY IRRITATING people who is highly organised* and shared a couple of tips that keep things ticking along around here. Today I thought I’d share those two tips, plus a couple more, with you.
* I should also point out that while I am highly organised, I’m also quite messy. For example, at the moment my pantry looks like something out of a Martha Stewart catalogue yet I’m typing this blog post from my study which is basically a dumping ground where paperwork, old school notices and various random homeware items that I no longer want on the hallway table come to die.
But, thanks to point number one, that will all get sorted today. I promise!
Five Easy Ways To Get Organised
1. Write A List
Yes, it can seem a bit daunting when you write down all the things you actually have to get done, but once you start ticking that list off, you’ll feel really good and super organised!
I write a list at the beginning of each week and break it up into things I have to do at home (errands that need running, exercise I have to do etc), work (blog posts/graphic design work, print orders to be sent) and other (things the kids need for school etc)
I’ve got that list sitting beside my computer on a clipboard and as I get each task done, I put a line through it.
Some weeks, when I’m feeling really overwhelmed by everything that is on the list, I break it down even further into daily tasks. That way, it doesn’t seem quite so daunting and I feel less overwhelmed and far more organised.
2. Have Two Laundry Baskets
Whenever I bring the laundry in, I take two baskets outside with me. One to throw all the items in that need to be folded and the other to put all the clothes in that will need to be ironed.
Then when I come inside I usually* fold all the things in the folding basket straight away and leave them in piles on the laundry bench for their owners to collect when they get home. (No, I do not offer a delivery service to their rooms. This isn’t a hotel!)
* I use the term ‘usually’ because sometimes that basket can stay there ALL week and overflow onto the floor. Other times it’s cleared every day. It really just depends on what episode of The Kardashians I’m up to how busy I am doing other thing that week.
3. Clear Out The Fridge Regularly
I do the groceries every week, so before anything new goes into the fridge, the old stuff comes out.
I do a quick look in the fruit and veg drawers for anything remotely suspect and give it to the Guinea Pigs.
Although Cookie and Snickers are dead set up themselves and only accept an organic vegan diet, so will usually turn their cute little noses up at anything almost past it’s use by date. Also, in what I consider to be quite a shocking turn of events, they are addicted to kale. I KNOW. It is making my goal of being completely kale free in 2016 quite difficult, but you’ll be pleased to know that I am managing!
4. Outsource If You Can
The one job I outsource each week is the ironing. I’m completely crap at it and my organisational skills lie elsewhere, so Guns does it instead.
That’s right, men can do ironing. Entire baskets of it, in fact! Usually on a Sunday night, while watching a movie. It’s exactly the same as sitting on a couch and watching a movie, except your arms are moving a bit more. Plus you’re also showing your kids that it’s no longer 1952 and men really can do anything.
5. Buy Some Magnets
Magnets on your fridge are your organisational BFF! That’s where you can put ALL the school notices, the tuck shop list, the permission slips, the birthday party invitations, the appointment cards, the launch date for Mrs Woog’s book, Primary School Confidential, which might include chapter written by yours truly (pre-order your copy here)
Are you an organised or a fly by the seat of your pants person? Pre-ordered your copy of Mrs Woog’s book yet? Got a husband/partner/significant other who irons like it’s 2016? Tell me all the things!
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