Welcome to this week’s edition of The Friday Five. Where we take a not so in-depth look at Five Signs You Might Need To Get Out More. Keeping in mind that when I use the word YOU I’m probably referring to myself.
Mostly because it’s been one hell of a week. Gastro that wiped me out for five, yes five days and then took Sophie out for two days. A husband who was away for work and a teenager who is no trouble at all. Honestly, he’s not. I just feel I should mention him from time to time otherwise readers might not know he’s here.
Anyway, I’m rambling again and you’re waiting for The Friday Five, so let’s get on with it!
Five Signs You Might Need To Get Out More
1. You love your label maker
So much so that you’ve labelled the sheet section in your linen cupboard. (Am I the only one who does this?)
Apologies for the blurry photo. I know it’s not up to my usual standard. I think I might have been high on excessive fumage from all the Glen 20 I’ve been furiously spraying around the house this week. Or possibly in a hurry. I’ll let you decide which one.
2. You’ve spent more time that socially acceptable wishing those labels were in bed size order
Because it makes perfect sense for those sheets and labels to run from single through to king, right?
3. You buy clothes people are wearing on Instagram
Because shopping from squares on your phone is a whole lot easier than actually going to a shopping centre and trying things on.
I’m sorry what? You mean to tell me you don’t like to spend all day at your local Westfield, shopping up a storm like it’s 2013? It’s like I don’t even know you are.
4. You start talking to yourself
Refer to the last three sentences in point number three. Fairly sure I was having a convo with myself up there. But to be fair, sometimes it’s the only way to get a decent answer.
5. You’ve got a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to slow cooker recipes
And yes, one of them is cheese dip. Find it here. YOU ARE WELCOME.
That’s it from me for another week. See you back here on Sunday night/Monday morning for a full recap of the Real Housewives of Melbourne Reunion show! But before you go, tell me
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