Ok, so I have this little blogging routine, where I usually belt out The Friday Five a couple of days in advance and then schedule it to go live on the blog first thing Friday morning. This week has been crazy busy with various other commitments, so instead of putting a post together late last night, I thought I’d live on the edge and write it this morning, after I’d done the school run, been for my walk and drunk my first cup of coffee for the day.
So I fired up my Nespresso machine in order to be fully caffeinated for the day ahead and what was I met with? A frother that has decided it’s frothing days are over!
See that little red light on the front of the frother? It’s taunting me harder than a Myer Stocktake Sale. The damn thing won’t stop flashing, even after I’ve removed it from it’s clever little home on the side of the Nespresso unit and just look at the quality of cappuccino it’s now producing!
I don’t know about you, but I reckon even the yanks could do better than that! So, as I’m sure you can appreciate, there’s no official Friday Five post this week because I had to tip that dreadful excuse of a coffee down the sink, write this post (with one very heavy I Need A Coffee ASAP headache coming on) and now whip up to my local coffee shop to get myself sorted!
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