Normally on a Friday you’d be reading some sort of semi-witty banter right now as part of my regular Friday Five blog post. If you’re new around here and not sure what I’m talking about, feel free to read The Random Pinterest Edition or maybe you’d prefer to read the one where my Mum stalked Mrs Woog. Or perhaps, if you’re feeling a little bit unmotivated, you might enjoy my Five Tips For A Successful Life Friday Five post. Just click on the hot pink links and BAM! You’ll be taken straight to the post of your choice. So go on, have a read. We’ll wait for you to come back!
Where was I? Oh that’s right. The Friday Five. Ok, well today it’s MIA because of two reasons.
The First Reason is I’m currently sitting poolside in LA, which sounds exotic, but it’s actually stinking hot and my hair looks a lot like an overworked frizzy perm. I’m trying to blog while supervising the kids, who are currently involved in a very intense battle of Marco Polo with a couple of random Americans, while also trying to access the hotel’s free wifi. Now I know this is very generous of the hotel to offer it’s guests, but my god, it is so slow. Uploading photos is taking so long, I feel like it’s 1997 and I’ve just signed up for some sort of $4,982 a month dial up plan!
The Second Reason there’s no Friday Five this week is because Scott has taken it upon himself to embark on a random eating challenge while we’re here in the good old US of A. Yep, he’s decided that he must eat everything on his plate at every meal (vegetables excluded, of course) and that there should be some sort of t-shirt reward at the end of it. Personally I think he’d be better off trying to secure a Jenny Craig endorsement than a ‘I Went To LA And I’ll I Got Was A Lousy Extra 10 Kilos’ T-shirt, but if nothing else, his efforts are going to make for a cracker of a Friday Five next week!
So stay tuned for that one folks, because as of tonight, I’m taking before and after shots of Scott’s meals and all will be revealed this time next week!
Does your other half insist on eating their body weight in food while on holidays? Hit me with your holidays eating stories in the comments section!
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