Ok, so I was all set to belt out the first Friday Five for 2014 where I was going to focus on what can only be described as First World Problems. You know, important things like why does the conditioner always run out before the shampoo? Seriously. What is with that?
And why is it so hard to find the time during school holidays to get simple things done like getting your eyebrows waxed? My eyebrows are so unruly at the moment I might as well just plait them and be done with it.
I mean, apart from the eyebrows, we’re pretty much identical.
And what’s with baked goods getting all up themselves and requiring their tins to be lined with nothing but baking paper? Back in the day, when I used to sit on a stool at my Nanna’s kitchen bench and watch her bake, she only ever greased a tin by smearing it with nothing but butter. And her cakes always came out of the tin perfectly. But not anymore. These days cakes need their tins to be sprayed with oil, wiped down with butter AND lined with baking paper. FFS. Talk about High Maintenance.
Not one of my cake tin lining efforts, but it might as well be. Click here for the original source of this image.
But then it occurred to me that I sound like a bit of a whinger. And nobody likes a whinger. So I’ll leave it up to you to decide!
Should we continue with The Friday Five in 2014 or should we let it go?
Cast your vote in the comments section below and I’ll let you know the results next week!
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