Scott and I are one of those really irritating couples who don’t really argue. Not because we’re saints or anything, but really because we both kind of think that life is too short to be mad at people and really, what is their to argue about anyway?
However last week, while we were trying to sort out a few final things for the move into our new house (which is happening today btw…send wine stat!), I was nagging him relentlessly about god knows what asking him a very polite question, when he eye rolled the hell out of me (not as sexy as it sounds) and left the room.
Anyway, once he’d returned for round two to calmly chat about my very polite question, I suggested that in the new house we build him a secret door upstairs.
“Um, why?” he asked.
“You know, so that whenever I annoy you with my non stop nagging/whinging/whatevs, you can just open it and walk out. I’m thinking it should just be a door with a platform attached and a very deep plunge pool underneath. That way, you can just open the door, walk to the end of the platform and take a nice refreshing dip in a pool!” was my clever reply.
Cue a lot of laughing from Scott and the reply of, “I don’t know if you’re trying to be funny, but that is actually really funny. You should write a sitcom. I could be the star of the show and you could call it “I Don’t Have Time For This Shit.”
“Ok, well two things. First thing, there’s no point in making you the star of the show because if it was a sitcom based on our life together at the moment, you’d pretty much just be opening the door to the platform and leaping off it, so nobody would ever see you. Second thing, I think you’ll find that title would actually be the name of your Auto-Biography.”
Cue more laughing from him and I’m assuming some sort of random sarcastic facial expression from me. Because if nothing else, I do sarcasm in borderline tense situations really well.
Got a funny argument to share? I’d love to read yours!
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