Every now and again something I write on this blog or photos I whack up on Instagram get a little bit of extra attention from outside sources.
Like the time way back in 2011, before Instagram was a thing, Amy Atlas and The TomKat Studio featured the Christmas Themed Birthday Party I put together for Sophie.
Back then there was approximately 4.5 people reading the blog, so it was kind of a big deal to have one of Sophie’s parties featured on two huge US based websites.
Now that Instagram IS a thing, brands and businesses have access to hundreds of thousands of photos every day featuring their products. You can be innocently checking your emails and BAM! up comes a photo of yours in a Typo newsletter: (Thanks to @ITSJUSTELLA for the heads up!)
Or casually flicking through Q Weekend Magazine (a magazine that comes with the Sunday Mail newspaper here in Queensland) while sipping on a coffee, only to nearly spit your coffee out in a combo of shock and delight to see this pic appear before your very eyes!
Now what you might not have noticed is that these photos have one thing in common – the caption I’ve written to accompany them is missing. And to be honest, it’s probably just as well.
I’m sure you’re aware by now of my love of pretty things and witty words and how I love to share those things with you. However, sometimes, very occasionally that plan backfires.
Like the time last year when I nominated the blog in some random award thing that was doing the rounds. As part of the nomination process I had to fill out a questionnaire and one of the questions was ‘What would stop you from blogging?’
Now I love blogging and I really wanted to let the judges know that, but I didn’t wanted to sound like a drooling desperado so I wrote the following words:
The only thing that would stop me from blogging would be having my arms amputated. But then, once I’d recovered from the surgery, I’d get myself one of those voice activated keyboards, so we’d be good to go!
Surprisingly, I didn’t make it to the next round of the blogging comp but I did get sent a delightful GIF that the organisers thought I might like to put on the sidebar of my blog to let the readers know I had been nominated for an award.
It was a pop up box that featured my answer about having my arms amputated!
When I wrote my answer, I honestly thought it was hilarious AND summed up my love for blogging perfectly #nailedit
But when those words were presented to me in a pop up GIF they looked utterly ridiculous and completely inappropriate, especially considering the award was focusing on promoting HEALTHY LIVING #FFS
Speaking of healthy living, last week I took this photo of my Food Nazi approved smoothie (as you do), tagged Anthropologie in it (so people playing along at home can find out where it’s from, should they wish to know) and thought nothing more of it.
A few days later, someone from Anthro left a message on the photo asking permission to ‘show it off’ in their emails and social media. I checked out their T’s & C’s, said yes and yesterday an email landed in my inbox, which led me to seeing this on the Anthropologie website:
I got a bit excited for all of 2.5 seconds and then I remembered the caption I’d written underneath that photo….
It’s virtually impossible to read in that teeny tiny cropped version I’ve provided you with here, but what I wrote was this:
Smoothie bowl for breakfast while sitting outside. Am basically Michelle Bridges.
Yep. Totally just told a fairly large number of randoms who visit the Anthropologie website each day that I am pretty much one of the fittest people in Australia, who happens to also be up the duff and loved up with some bloke who doesn’t look too bad when he’s not wearing a shirt.
Holy crap. Now that I think about it, I actually have something in common with Michelle Bridges…

How about you? Ever said or read funny Instagram comments? Have something in common with Michelle Bridges? Like looking at Palm Trees? Tell me all the things!
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