I don’t know about you but I’m a big believer in the universe delivering the goods when the timing is right.
Take yesterday for example. I was sitting at the computer, taping my fingernails on my desk while deep in thought about chocolate, wine and magic mike what I should blog about.
Should I belt out a receipe post, I wondered? Nah, it’ll probably just make me hungry.
Maybe I should go and find the Swatch Watch I mentioned in Tuesday’s post and blog about all things 80’s? Nah, that would require too much effort.
How about I go and do something else instead. Yep, that sounds like a good plan!
So I grabbed the gyno referral that’s been staring at me for the last month (make the appointment! make the appointment! It’s basically been yelling at me from the pin board in front of my desk) and finally got around to making an appointment for my yearly check up.
The receptionist ran through all of the usual questions “Have you seen Dr Williams before?” “Do you have a current referral?” before asking “Could I please have the surname of the referring doctor?”
I replied with “Tucker” to which she says in a rather shocked voice, “I’m sorry, could you spell that?!”
“Sure! T.U.C.K.E.R”
“Oh! TUCKER!” replies the receptionist, while trying VERY unsuccessfully to hide a fit of laughter, “For a minute there, I thought you said something else!”
“Oh.My.God.” comes my reply, “Do you know how many receptionists I’ve given that name to in the past 6 months?! And it’s only just dawned on me that every single one of them have probably thought I’ve said Fucker.”
Cue the two of us laughing so hard that neither of us could actually breathe, let alone speak!
Finally, I pipe up with, “I am so sorry for dropping the f bomb there.”
The receptionist replies through her laughter with, “Honestly, it’s fine. This is the funniest phone call I’ve had in ages. You and Dr Tucker have made my day!”
So thanks Universe. You’ve did an outstanding job at delivering the laughs yesterday. Now if you could do something about a lotto win and a book deal, that’d be great. Thanks.
Got something you’d like the universe to deliver on? Know someone with a funny surname? Ever dropped the f bomb at an inappropriate moment? Tell me all the things!
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