If you live in Australia chances are you, or someone you know, has one of these floating around in their pool right now:
Yes, I’m talking about THE must have item of Summer 2015/16: the giant inflatable swan.
2016: The Year Of The Giant Inflatable Swan
Pretty much everyone I know who has a pulse and a pool has one. Even Pam’s on board the swan lake express. That’s hers up there in the photo.
It took Errol approximately 2 red wines to inflate on Christmas Day and when he attempted to bring the enormous white pool toy outside for the kids to leap on, a wing clipped one of Pam’s somewhat pricey orchid arrangements bringing it smashing to the ground.
So that was a pain in the arse to clean up a reminder that it’s probably best go outside when attempting to inflate pool toys that are bigger than your head #safetyfirst
Let’s see. Who else do I know with a swan in their backyard? Oh yeah, Charmaine and Barry!
They’ve got one each – His and Hers swans.
It was a dead set romantic moment when the two of them decided to invest in a pair of plastic swans to sweat on lie on over the Summer months.
That was until they inflated them and realised how big the bloody swans actually are. Now Charmaine and Barry sit side by side in their pool on their matching swans, not actually moving around because the swans are so enormous they’re basically wedged in between the sides of the pool.
Barry says it makes getting in and out of the pool a breeze while Charmaine secretly wishes she could somehow pop Barry’s swan so she could actually float around on hers before Summer ends.
FYI: If you’re not sure who Charmaine and Barry are, please read this post: Five Things You Need To Know About Charmaine It will clear things up for you!
And finally, another friend of mine also has a giant inflatable swan named Karona. Like the beer, but with a K #klassy
He attempted to inflate it at the local service station before realising that it was so massive, there was no way he was going to be able to get Karona home in the back of his car #sadface
So he gave up half way through, stuffed a half inflated swan into his car and drove home.
I would love to be able to tell you that he drove home with a fully inflated swan strapped to the roof of his car, mainly so I could belt out the phrase Keeping Up With Karona at some point during this post, but sadly for this blogger who loves to re-tell a good story, that didn’t happen.
But maybe it’s happened to you or someone you know?
So tell me, is there a giant inflatable swan at your place? Does it have a name? How did you inflate it? Are you floating on it right now?!
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