In case you missed it, on Sunday I was over at Woogsworld discussing my love for yoga pants, baked goods and cankles. I know! I’m a bit beside myself about being there too!! You can read all about it by clicking right here.
In other news, I’ve been flat out this week trying to get Module 8 of my graphic design course completed. This time around it’s a drawing module and if I never have to pick up a HB pencil again, it will be too soon!
I drew that dolphin, which I might add, only took me 3,982 attempts to get it to that very amateur looking end result and then turned it into this…
I hope it looks like a dolphin to anyone that looks at it. To me it looks like a very irritating black and white graphic that I’m pretty much having nightmares about. If someone could wake me up when this module is over, that would be great!
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