If you read yesterday’s post, you’ll know that I came home from Problogger with one hell of a head cold. You know the drill; runny nose, watery eyes, non stop sneezing. It’s not the best way to celebrate Spring arriving and it’s definitely not attractive to look at!
So in an effort to pull myself together, I put a call out on Facebook, asking everyone how to cure a head cold and here’s what you all came up with:
How To Cure A Head Cold In 3 Easy Steps!
Step One: Olive Leaf Extract
Olive Leaf Extract was the most popular suggestion, so I bought a bottle of it this morning. At 35 bucks a bottle, it’s not cheap, and it tastes worse than a bowl of kale chips with organic hummus dip, but I took a tablespoon of it an hour ago and I think I’m perking up already!
Step Two: Echinacea
Echinacea came in at Number Two and because I don’t do things by halves, I stocked up on a few other vitamins while I was out. Just look at how sexy my desk is looking at the moment…
I mean if that’s not attractive and worthy of some serious Pinterest action, I don’t know what is!
Step Three: Chicken Noodle Soup
Fortunately, I made a batch of chicken noodle soup ages ago and froze it, so that’s currently defrosting on the bench as we read. There’s no picture of it, because unlike images of inhalers and green smoothies, chicken noodle soup isn’t really that attractive to look at!
So there you have it. How to cure a head cold in 3 easy steps! I’ve also heard that online shopping and chocolate helps, although that’s not a confirmed cure. I might need to put a bit of effort into those additional steps today and see if they make any difference.
Got another head cold cure to add? We’d love to read it!
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