Yesterday Scott’s brother called in with his kids on the way home from school for a spot of afternoon tea. Scott was home sick with some sort of man flu that he caught while drinking until 2 in the morning working hard in the US last week, so naturally I made him sit on the couch and chat to his brother while I scrolled through my instagram feed listened attentively to whatever it was Scott and his bro were talking about.
Somehow the conversation turned to Frosty Fruits, which was random, but now I think about it, I’m fairly sure it was me who kicked off the convo by announcing I was craving one.
A statement which caused Scott’s brother to ask, “A what?”
“A Frosty Fruit. You know, the ice block that’s all sorts of delicious?”
“Um, no. I’ve never heard of them. Or had one.”
“I’m sorry, what? You’ve never heard of a Frosty Fruit? Or eaten one? Who even are you?”
Clearly, given my borderline addiction to the delicious iced treat that I may or may not inhale on a daily basis during Summer, I was too shocked to continue with the conversation, so Scott took over.
He started crapping on reminiscing about some sort of ice cream he used to eat as a kid, “It had vanilla and chocolate through it and was the best ice block. I wish they still made them.”
“Um I think you’ll find whatever you’re describing isn’t in fact an ice block, but rather an ice cream” I replied.
“No, it’s an ice block. Anything you get from the freezer at your local shop with a stick in it is an ice block. Everybody knows that!”
“Um, no they don’t. If it’s got ice cream in it, it’s an ice cream. Like a Magnum. That’s on a stick, but it’s definitely not an ice block”
“Yes it is!”
“No way! They’re ice creams!”
“No, ice creams are scooped out of a container. If it’s on a stick, it’s an ice block.”
“Well that’s just ridiculous. I think you might have taken too many codeines at lunch time, because this conversation is making no sense at all.”
“It makes perfect sense to me. Craig, help me out here. A Magnum’s an ice block, right?”
“Sorry, I’m still back at the Frosty Fruit thing. What exactly do they look like?”
“Oh FFS for goodness sake. You two are as bad as each other! I’m taking this one to the blog. My readers will know the difference between an ice block and an ice cream and I’m fairly sure they ALL know what a Frosty Fruit is. God knows I bang on about them often enough!”
So clever readers, cast your vote. If it’s on a stick and it’s made up entirely of ice cream, is it an ice block or an ice cream? Also, is anyone else now craving a Frosty Fruit with a Magnum chaser or is that just me?!
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