So today is the International Day Of Happiness and I for one, could not be happier. I mean, as Sophie said to me earlier this morning, “What’s not to love about a day where you get to be nothing but happy?!” In keeping with the spirit of all things happy, I thought I’d belt out a few of my favourite things for you. Kind of like Oprah used to do, but without the budget.
When I was thinking of all the things that make me happy, I realised that most of them are things I like to hear, rather than actual ‘things’. And because I’m half way through a Graphic Design course, I thought I’d whip those happy sounds up into a little poster. Because along with several sounds, bright, bold colour also makes my heart sing….
And now, on this International Day of Happiness, it’s over to you. Tell me, what makes you happy? The happiest comment might just get a little something sent to them in the mail (sadly it won’t be keys to a new car, but it will be something happy!) GO….
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