Recently I was chatting to a group of women when one of them turned to me and asked, “So is that your natural curl?” (click here for all the details on how to style curly hair)
Now that’s a question I get asked at least once a week and I always answer with, “It sure is. How lucky am I to have a head of hair that looks like a spiral perm from 1989?!”
Usually that answer is met with a fair bit of laughing. Sometimes it’s genuine, which I love because it means I’m with people who get my dry wit.
Other times its polite laughter, which is a bit awkies for everyone except me. Mainly because I’m usually 2 champagnes in and that tends to make me think I’m the funniest person in the room, so I’ll just continue trotting lines out like, “Seriously, you should’ve seen me in the 80’s. My hair was so big I couldn’t get through the front door of our house!” #putthedrinkdown
Anyway, on this particular day, there was no champagne on offer, probably because it was 10 in the morning and apparently it’s frowned upon to BYO booze to church.*
So this bird who asked if my hair was naturally curly then went onto to say, “Well it’s a beautiful colour!” And before I could pipe up with a “thank you” she added, ” I mean it’s just such a lovely shade of BEIGE.”

Which left me speechless for all of 2.5 seconds. I mean, beige?! Seriously?! I think my hairdresser and I are going to have to have a serious discussion when I see her in 6 weeks, because beige is definitely NOT the look I’m aiming for!
But then it made me laugh because all I could think was, ‘And that right there is another funny story for the blog. Thank you random lady! Is there ANY chance of getting a drink around here?’
* I wasn’t at church. Just threw that in there for comedy purposes. But if you could BYO I might start thinking about going to church #justsaying
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