Welcome to another segment of Cooking With Kirsten! You can catch up on Episode One, where I teach you how to make Chocolate Chip Cookies from scratch, right here.
Episode Two, How to Make the Best Crispy Roast Potatoes, can be found in this post, while my taste test of the most revolting chocolate I’ve ever tried features in Episode Three.
Anyway, this post wasn’t meant to be a Cooking With Kirsten post at all. You see I’d found a recipe over on Pinterest with the very cocky title of The Best Chocolate Cake Ever, so I thought I’d give it a go.
I mean, who wouldn’t?! It’s The Best Chocolate Cake Ever! Apparently better than this one that I have listed on the Recipe section of the blog:
and definitely better than the not so humble Chocolate Chip Cake, which I make far more often than I probably should!
I was keen to make the best chocolate cake ever purely see if it lived up to it’s name. However, once I’d mixed all the ingredients together I had major concerns about the result, which I quickly filmed on my iPhone.
Then, as I was trying to lift the very runny best chocolate cake ever mixture into the oven, something really annoying happened and before I knew it, the trusty iPhone was back in action again!
In all the chocolate cake and messy kitchen excitement (you’ll know what I’m talking about when you watch the video!) I forgot to turn the iPhone sideways, so I apologise for the annoying black lines either side of this latest cooking episode.
Honestly, I really need to find myself a camera person. Anyone want to help a not so professional, very amateur blogger out? The current pay rate is coffee and cake, although on Fridays I pop a mean bottle of fizz!
Anyway, enjoy the video and I apologise in advance for the close ups of my head (we can blame my short arms for that one!)
So what do you think? Is that the best chocolate cake ever? I mean if runny, lumpy mixtures that produce lop sided semi-burnt cakes are your thing, then yep, I’d say we’ve
Ever had a baking fail? Or told the world you’ve made the best thing ever? Or shared your messy kitchen with strangers on the interwebs? Do tell!
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