I’ve done it.
I’ve bloody well done it.
That’s all I could think to myself as I walked out of my ophthalmologists office on Monday morning.
Exactly three years since I first began noticing my IIH symptoms, I was officially given the all clear.
There is no more swelling in the back of my eyes.
After three long years of what seems like nothing but waiting rooms, medical bills, hospital visits, saying no to all the things and trips to the chemist,
I’ve done it. I’ve bloody well done it.
I’ve shoved this hideous thing called IIH well and truly into remission.
Something, according to my eye doc, that not many people are able to achieve.
As he congratulated me and said I would be his “shining example” for other IIH patients he might have, I sat there, stunned.
My new neurologist had said I’d achieved remission and now my ophthalmologist was confirming it.
I’ve done it. I’ve bloody well done it.
I could feel the tears of utter relief beginning to well and just at that moment, the lovely eye doc looked up from his notes and said, “You know, you really have achieved something quite remarkable. You should tell your story to someone.”
If only he knew.
Thank you for following my IIH health updates. Your kind words along the way have meant more than you will ever know.
While I am in the clear, I will have IIH forever. Meaning, it could flare up again at anytime.
But as long as I stay healthy and keep my stress levels low (ha!) I should remain in remission. I will continue to have regular visits with my Neurologist and I’m slowly coming off all the medication I’m currently on.
Oh and do you remember that quite some time ago I mentioned there would be a party to celebrate when I eventually received that all clear? STAY TUNED! xox
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