Hi everyone! Thanks so much for rocking up to Kirsten and co’s AGM. It’s great to have you here!
Bec, can you do me a favour and pass me that clipboard? It’s got the agenda on it for tonight’s meeting and I can’t get far without out! For those of you who don’t know Bec, she writes a blog about being a female plumber. You should totally check it out when you get home. It’s definitely worth a read.
(Bec hands Kirsten the all important clipboard) Thanks Bec. Michele, have you got that keyboard on your iPad fired up? (Michele nods and starts typing up the minutes of the meeting). I probably should mention that Michele is a long time reader of my blog and since we met via Instagram last year, we’ve become great friends. She’s also the founding member of the Guns Appreciation Society and can apparently type 382 words a minute, so she’s now Kirsten and co’s official AGM Minute Taker. Please make Michele welcome.
In the mood for some Chocolate Slice? Click here for the recipe!
(AGM attendees clap furiously)
Ok, let’s get this meeting started shall we?!
I don’t know about you, but I reckon we’ve come a long way since last year’s meeting. For a start, Mrs Woog is here. That’s her, up the back, drinking with Pam and Charmaine. Hey, Mrs Woog, give us a wave!
Want to know how THIS photo came to be?! Click here for THAT story!
Also, Pam, if you could keep it down a bit during this year’s meeting that would be appreciated. Nobody wants a repeat of last year’s AGM where you made quite the spectacle of yourself, telling anyone who would listen that your daughter’s a blogger. I mean they kind of already know that. It’s pretty much why they’re here.
And if you’ve got any questions relating to tonight’s meeting, maybe you could chat to me about it once everyone’s gone home? Nobody really wants to sit through 20 minutes of questions like, “What do you mean strangers read what you’re writing on the internet” and “I hope you don’t meet any of them in real life. They’re probably all kidnappers and stalkers!”
Ok, so now that we’ve got that sorted, where was I? (checks clipboard) Oh yeah, Agenda Item Number One was a brief mention about how far we’ve come in the last 12 months. Everybody give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve done an awesome job!
Right, moving onto Item Number 2. We’ve got some newbies to the group this year, so let’s give them a quick intro. Mumabulous, where are you? Oh there she is! Everybody turn around and say hi to Mumabs. She blogs about everything from politics to crumpet (no Pam, not the ones you spread golden syrup on, although now that you mention it, that’s probably not a bad idea) and her blog isn’t just fabulous, it’s Mumabulous! Thanks for coming Mumabs.
Sitting beside her is Emily from Have A Laugh On Me. Stand up Em! Everybody needs to see that gorgeous face of yours. Emily’s blog is always honest, often humorous and never boring. Welcome Emily. It’s great to have here!
Now do we have any thermomix fans in the audience tonight? Raise your hands if you’re part of that cult a thermie lover. Come on, don’t be shy! Ok, so there’s quite a few of you here. Excellent. There’s a blog you will absolutely LOVE and it’s called Hugzilla. It’s a blog about everything from the good old Thermomix to an unusual obsession with One Direction. Just don’t call it a Mummy Blog and you’ll get on famously!
Finally, where’s that gorgeous young thing from BFN (you’ll have to visit her blog for the explanation of that one)…Miss Chardy, are you here? There she is! What are you doing standing against the wall like that? Did we just bust you trying to sneak up the back to join Pam for a glass of wine?! Well I guess you probably need one, given that you travelled for approximately 482 hours just to get here! Thanks for coming Chards. Your blog is always such a fun, fascinating read and we really appreciate you making the effort to get here tonight.
Ok, I think that’s just about everything covered. It’s a quick AGM this year because I’ve got to get home and sink a few wines and do a bit of online shopping make the school lunches. Does anyone have anything else to add? Please type it into the comments section if you do. Thanks.
Oh and one last thing before we all meet Pam up the back for a drink head home. Remember the Voices of 2014 blogging comp that I somehow managed to crack into the Top 30 Personal and Parenting category of last year? And then went onto win a couple of prizes at the Awards Night? Well it’s back!
If you’d like to nominate any of the bloggers here tonight, or any other blogs that you love to read, simply head to the Kidspot website and cast your vote! It takes all of 30 seconds to do and you can nominate as many blogs as you like.
Right, so that marks the end of the Kirsten and co’s AGM for 2015. Thanks so much for coming. I’ll see you back here next year, where who knows what fabulous things will have unfolded for us all!
Got a blog you love to read? Or maybe you’ve got one of your own. Feel free to leave a link in the comments section below!
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