It might be a public holiday here in Queensland today but the rest of the week is a big one, health wise at least, for me.
I’ve got two follow-up appointments this week. The first is with my endocrinologist on Wednesday and the second is with my ophthalmologist (eye doc) on Friday.
I’m then seeing the neurologist a couple of weeks after that.
If you’re new here and not sure why I’m seeing all of these wonderful people – really, they are wonderful people. They have an awful job of delivering really shitty news to people all day long, but they are amazing people who work so hard to try and bring about a positive outcome for all involved. I was diagnosed with IIH back in May of this year.
It’s something that I’ll have to battle for the rest of my life and is a really crappy thing to have, but life can’t all be online shopping and tropical holidays, so I’ve just got to follow doctors orders and get it under control.
Anyway, back to the point of this post. Of which there are two.
Living with IIH
Firstly, medical appointments are stressful with a depressing chaser.
Scott comes with me to most of them and the other night I made the comment that we are basically living like 82 year olds. You know, going from one medical appointment to the next and how depressing that was.
He replied with, “At least we still have our own teeth and don’t need a bus from the nursing home to pick us up.”
That made me laugh so hard. He is a good man.
Finally, the second point of this post is that in amongst the chaos and the madness and the difficult times that life throws at us from time to time, there’s always a silver lining.
Something or someone to be grateful for, to smile at, to make you think, “Yep, I’ve got this.”
So let’s finish this post on a positive note.
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