I don’t know about you, but I reckon it can be a bit tricky to make new friends once you become a grown up. I mean, if I take Sophie to the park, it’s pretty much guaranteed that she’ll have a new best friend within 10 minutes of being on the swings, but it’s not quite that easy once you hit 30 or 40!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Nigel No Mates. Friends from high school, neighbours (old and new), cousins (yes, you actually can be friends with your family members!), school mums, former work colleagues and even people I’ve met on the inter webs all make up my circle of friends.
Yep, since I’ve started blogging and hanging out on Instagram on a daily basis, I’ve made some fantastic new friendships.
In fact, on Tuesday I celebrated Melbourne Cup Day with 6 new friends, all of whom I ‘met’ on Instagram. I KNOW. It’s kinda weird and kinda 2014-normal all rolled into one!
We all frocked up and met at M’s house for lunch, where we chatted about everything from babies to interior decorating while sipping on champers and eating our body weight in delicious food.
Click here for the Toblerone Mousse Recipe!
When the day was over, I sent a photo of us all through to one of my friends because she wanted to see what I wore to Melbourne Cup and the only photo I had was a group shot of the 7 of us.
I sent through the photo with a message saying ‘Met all these chicks on Instagram!’
She then replied with, ‘Wow. They all look really normal lol’
To which I replied, ‘Yep, not a kidnapper amongst us!’
So I reckon if you’re wanting to make a couple of new friends, don’t be shy. Go to that insta-met that you’ve been invited to. Meet your online friend for a coffee.
I’m not saying go met some random in a dark and lonely pub at 3 in the morning, because that would just be dodgy. But I am saying trust your instincts and if you get invited to go to something that involves a few people who you’ve got something in common with, then go for it. You never know, you might just make a whole new circle of friends that you never even knew existed a year ago!
Have you made new friends in your 30’s and 40’s? Did it involve Instagram? Or old school small talk at the park?
PS: I wanted to put the photo of the 7 of us up on this post but I didn’t get around to asking everyone if that would be ok (I totally get that not everyone is into having their photo plastered across a post on a blog!) but if you head to my Instagram account, you’ll be able to see it there.
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