So I’ve done it. I’ve finally taken the plunge and enrolled in a Graphic Design Course. Which may or may not be the first sign that I’m having some sort of mid life crisis!
It’s something that I’ve been wanting to do for ages but I’ve been too scared/daunted/lazy to do anything about it because, well, I’m not exactly great at getting out of my comfort zone. And believe it or not, I’m not a massive fan of change either. I know. So hard to believe that me, the list maker/hardcore organiser/routine freak would find it tricky to embrace change!
But as the kids have gotten older, I’m finding they need me less during school hours and more as their after hours taxi driver, which has meant I’ve started to get a bit bored at home and want to use my brain for something other than reading school notices and folding the laundry (which, btw, I’m a expert at. I can origami the hell out of pretty much anything that gets thrown in the washing machine and can speed read through a school notice like I’m in some sort of Mission Impossible movie and only have 30 seconds before it self destructs.)
So yesterday I whipped out the credit card, logged onto the Graphic Design School’s website and BAM! enrolled myself in the 12 month Intensive Foundations Course. Which, just quietly, I’m a little bit excited about because we all know what that means now…yep, a trip to Officeworks and Kikki K for some fancy pants pens, pencils and sketch books.
If you need me, you know where to find me. Not even kidding on that one. I’m heading to my local Westfield today to pick up a few supplies. I might even flash my Student Card and score myself a cheap coffee. Not that I actually need to as the lovely bloke at my favourite coffee shop always gives me a Staff Discount because I’m there so much he reckons I might as well be one of the staff. Ha!
Oh and thank you so much to every single one of you who took the time to read and comment on Sophie’s guest post yesterday. She was so excited to read all your comments and belted out her replies quicker than she can inhale a chocolate muffin. Which is saying something. You’re all such lovely, positive, thoughtful people and I really appreciate the love you showed my little girl (who, btw, is now desperate to start her own blog!) xox
Sophie’s Vanilla Cupcakes. Click here for the recipe.
Have you ever had a mid life crisis and done something random/out of your comfort zone?
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