Can you believe we’re into our sixth week of Operation Loose Pants?! Time flies when you’re having fun. Ha!
How did you go with last week’s new habit of upping the exercise factor? I failed miserably, thanks to a nasty chest infection that has flattened me for two weeks straight. But I’m pleased to report that I’m slowly starting to feel better, so I’m going to attempt a couple of walks down by the waterfront this week. What exercise have you been doing? Walking? Running? Or maybe some sit ups….
This week’s new habit:
This week, since we’ve all been working so hard at getting looser pants by Christmas, I think we should treat ourselves. And no, I don’t mean with cake!
Go get a pedicure, start reading that book, buy yourself a magazine, run yourself a bath and tell the kids if they need you in the next half an hour they can go find someone else to help them, catch up with a girlfriend for a coffee, go see a movie…you get the idea. Pick something that you’d love to do for yourself and make the time to do it!
And if you’re new around here, first of all hi! and secondly, it’s never too late to join in with Operation Loose Pants. That’s the beauty of introducing new habits to your everyday life; they can be started at any time! Here’s a quick run down on what new habits we’ve been working on so far:
Week One: Start moving
Week Two: Stay hydrated
Week Three: Eat more fruit & veg
Week Four: Try a new recipe
Week Five: Move a bit more
This Week: Treat yourself!
If you feel like something sweet this week, my Berry Cobbler recipe is really yummy and borderline healthy!
So that’s Operation Loose Pants done and dusted for another week! Make sure you come back here tomorrow, because I’ve got a really healthy recipe for you all AND a fantastic giveaway that I know you will love.
How did Operation Loose Pants go for you last week? Did you walk like someone was chasing you or sloth on the couch instead?
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