Well he we go with our 7th week of Operation Loose Pants! How’s everyone feeling? Are your pants looser yet? Mine were, but after almost 2 weeks of being sick (and couch bound) I’ve done NO exercise.
My pants don’t feel any tighter, but I seem to have a rather large muffin top situation happening, which, just quietly, I’m not happy about!
So this week, I thought our new habit should be to curb the after dinner eating.
Pick a cut off time that works for you (I’m going to choose 7.30pm) and once that time hits, there’s no food for you! Nothing. Just a shit load of water and fresh air.
Sounds tough, so I reckon we should probably get Friday and Saturday nights off from the no eating after whatever time you choose (and yes, choosing midnight is cheating!) but it’ll be worth it in our quest for looser pants by Christmas!
And don’t forget we’ve got a few other new Operation Loose Pants habits in place now too.
We’re exercising, drinking lots of water, eating loads of fruit & veg, trying new recipes and even treating ourselves!
If you like the look of my Rice & Lentil Salad, you’ll find the recipe right here.
So tell me, how is Operation Loose Pants working for you? If you’ve got a new habit you’d like us to try next week, let me know in the comments section!
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