Well, would you look at that?! Here we are, into our 8th week of Operation Loose Pants!
Now tell me honestly, how are your pants feeling? Any looser? Or still a bit snug?
I’m pleased to report that mine are definitely looser. THANK GOD. And really, once I took the focus off the scales (I don’t own any and only weigh myself every now and again when I’m at the doctors for a thyroid check-up) and stopped all the dieting nonsense, things started falling into place.
I’ve always had a pretty good diet, but my very under active thyroid makes loosing weight really hard. Even though I’m on medication for it now, I still struggle to loose weight, and finally, at the ripe old age of 41, I’ve decided that diets suck, scales are the devils work and I look ok just as I am!
Did an actual fashion post yesterday! Click here for all the details.
This week’s new habit:
So this week’s Operation Loose Pants new habit is to give yourself a f*&king break!
Stop being so hard on yourself!
Focus on all the new habits we’ve introduced and don’t beat yourself up if you have a day where you happen to eat too much/forget to exercise/sloth on the couch/drink too much booze.
It’s only one day out of a whole week and there’s plenty of time to make up for it!
Chocolate Salad. It’s totally a thing.
And now that we’re nearing the end of our second month of Operation Loose Pants, I think I might pull back on the weekly blog posts/new habits and catch up with all the #operationloosepants action once a month.
Here’s a summary of what we’ve covered so far:
Week One: Get Moving! (click on that hot pink link for all the details + a FREE printable checklist)
Week Two: Stay Hydrated
Week Three: Eat More Greens
Week Four: Try A New Recipe (If you need some inspiration, click on the recipe tab at the top of this blog! Or click here, whatever is easiest for you!)
Week Five: Move More
Week Six: Treat Yourself
Week Seven: Stop Snacking After Dinner (FYI: I may or may not have failed miserably at this one!)
I’ve also been thinking that perhaps I should put all of those weekly Operation Loose Pants into an e-book? Which you would be able to download for free? What do you think?
So tell me, how has Operation Loose Pants been for you? Fairly successful or not so much?
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