So yesterday, Team Kirsten and co. took a little road trip to Toowoomba, a country town about 1.5 hours drive from Brisbane. I’d never been there before and because I’m always going in hard with planning things in advance, on Friday night I asked the blog’s Facebook followers what we should do while in Toowoomba for the day. Suggestions included Cobb and Co Museum, The Chocolate Cottage and wear your winter woollies. I’m pleased to report that we did all three, with a few other stops thrown in for good measure. Here’s how the day unfolded…
Our first stop was Picnic Point, where we were greeted with fresh country air and a spectacular view:
While wandering around Picnic Point, we also found this:
which reminded me of this…
but on a much smaller and less french scale. It did make me wonder if perhaps Toowoomba is suffering from a padlock shortage? Or maybe, for some strange reason, hitting the local waterfall with your loved one doesn’t have quite the same appeal as wandering through the streets of Paris with a padlock in your hand? Either way, it’s nice to know there are roughly a dozen romantic souls in Toowoomba, trying their hardest to recreate the infamous Ponts de Arts in Paris.
We then headed to the Cobb & Co Museum, where we looked at approximately 982 different types of wagons used in the 1800’s. Which was actually quite interesting and definitely made me appreciate modern day transportation features, such as windows and engines.
We also discovered that Loom Bands were actually invented back in 1897, not in 2014, and were originally hand crafted using twine, not teeny tiny rubber bands that clog your vacuum cleaner on a regular basis…
After the Toowoomba history lesson, we headed to this lovely spot for lunch…
before hitting the road and heading to The Chocolate Cottage in Highfields (about 20 mins down the road from Toowoomba.) Sadly there’s no photos of our little visit to The Chocolate Cottage, mainly because I was too busy inhaling a chocolate dipped raspberry twist (delicious) with a chocolate fudge chaser (OMG. SO GOOD) to get my phone out and take photos #sorrynotsorry
We took a quick drive through the city centre, where we saw lots of lovely old buildings filled with all sorts of shops. Sadly they were all shut due to Toowoomba being totally old school and not opening anything for anyone on a Public Holiday, which, just quietly, is probably something my hardworking credit card was thankful for.
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