April is almost over, and I for one can’t wait to see the back of it. Partly because it means the cooler weather is finally on it’s way but mainly because I PUT MYSELF ON A SHOPPING BAN FOR ALL OF APRIL AND IT’S ALMOST BLOODY OVER. THANK GOD.
Judging by the heavy use of capital letters, I think we can all safely assume that it has been a torturous month for all concerned. If by ‘all concerned’ we mean me.
Scott has been thrilled to bits with my new frugal nature and keeps throwing around dirty, filthy words like ‘budget’ and ‘permanent’. Let’s hope he doesn’t think those two words should go together! Because there’s no way I’m even considering a Permanent Budget. Just typing the words is enough to make me want to pour a stiff drink.
I, on the other hand, have spent most of April throwing words around words like, “This is torture!” and “Why did I do this to myself?” But to be fair, those words have only been uttered when Myer, Westfield and/or Target catalogues arrive in my letterbox. Which by the way, is every second day.
So Dear April, you can leave now. I’ve had enough of you and your silly little shopping bans. And FYI, the 1st of May had better watch out because my credit card is coming to get it. Big time.
Have you ever put yourself on a shopping ban? How did you cope?
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