If you’ve been hanging out here a while or following me over on Instagram, you’ll know that shopping is my cardio.
And if this little note that my brother gave my mum for Mother’s Day back in the 80’s is anything to go by, it’s clearly a genetic predisposition:
But back to the point of today’s blog post. You see the other night I was having a bit of a whinge to Scott about how much I dislike exercise. And by dislike I mean intensely despise. I mean I do it, but I pretty much hate every minute of it and can’t wait for it to be over so I can get home and inhale a cream bun have a shower.
Scott’s advice was to try and find a form of exercise that I actually enjoy and do it everyday. Of course my reply to that ridiculous clever idea was, “Well that’s easy! Everybody knows shopping is my cardio!!”
I think Scott then muttered something about shopping not actually being a cardio based exercise, but to be honest, I’d fired up with lap top while he was talking and was clicking ‘add to cart’ on an outfit, so I can’t really be sure.
Anyway, yesterday I put in a solid hour and a half at IKEA and let me tell you, after hauling 64 kilos of flat pack supplies off the shelves, pushing it to my car AND loading it in the boot completely unassisted, I worked up quite a sweat!
I mean, if that’s not a shopping based cardio workout, I don’t know what is!
I also gave my non-existent abs quite a workout when I got to my car and saw the size of the car that was parked behind me:
The thought of someone trying to fit ANYTHING from IKEA into the boot of that car had me in stitches! I’m guessing they were there purely for the $7 meatballs and not two $90 flat pack desks, which Scott may or may not have spent a solid 4 hours putting together last night
(I would show you a photo of the desks, but let’s just say that the flat pack situation at our place is currently IKEA 1 – SCOTT 0…but don’t tell him I said that!)
So tell me, what’s your workout of choice? Is it shopping, running, walking or a combination of all three? I’d love to know!
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