Before I was diagnosed with IIH 12 months ago I was SUCH a worrier (OMG what will the Mums at school think of me if they find out I have a blog? Um newsflash, they probably won’t think about you at all!), a people pleaser (Kirst, next time you’re at the shops could you please get me XYZ? Sure! I wasn’t planning on going until next week but I’ll make a special trip for you tomorrow if you like?) and a phenomenal under achiever (“Your writing is very funny and you could style a shoelace. You should write a book about how to get your shit together.” Do you think? I mean who would read it? I dunno. Besides I’m not sure I have the readership for a book deal. I’d probably have to get a publisher really drunk for them to even look at my work!)
But battling an illness has changed so much of me.
Life is far too short to spend it worrying about what other people think, so I stopped doing just that. And once I did, I became a much more confident, happier version of me.
I also began to do things I never would have done in the past, such as taking daily outfit photos and participating in #everydaystyle with Nikki from Styling You over on Instagram.
I couldn’t give two hoots what anyone thinks of me whacking photos up of my outfits each day and if nothing else, at least the kids have finally got some photos of their Mum to look on back on when they’re older!
Wearing: Empress Eleven Cross My Heart Top Size S (gifted) | Katies Sleeveless Basic Tank Size M | Bohemian Traders Distressed Skinny Jeans Size 32 | Easy Steps Lesley Boots
I’ve also stopped with the people pleasing thing and guess what? When you politely say no to people, the world keeps turning!
And as for that whole under achieving thing? It’s safe to say that I’ve well and truly said goodbye to THAT attitude!
So what does all of this mean for the blog?
That’s a great question and I’m so pleased you asked.
I love sharing little snippets of my crazy beautiful life with you and hope that there’s something in every blog post that makes you click away feeling entertained, informed or inspired.
There are going to be a few minor changes to Kirsten and co. in the weeks and months ahead. Don’t worry, I’m still going to write the random witty banter (hello Friday Five!) and the Two Chatty Chicks podcast will be here for your listening pleasure (or pain, depending on how funny/boring we are) every Wednesday.
I’m also going to start a weekly fashion post and I’d like to start a bit of a reader Q&A too.
I’ve always loved teaching people new things and I’ve always loved fashion, so being able to combine the two here on the blog makes perfect sense, don’t you think?
So if you’ve got any fashion/style/hair/makeup related questions you would like answered, hit me with them! I’d love to help solve them for you.
Ask me anything and if you don’t feel comfortable leaving a comment here, you can always message me on Facebook or flick me an email.
Thank you for being such an awesome supporter of Kirsten and co. You are completely and utterly fabulous! Here’s to thriving with passion, compassion, humour and style x
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