So remember last week when I mentioned I had a couple of big appointments to go regarding my IIH? Well they’re done and dusted and I have three things to tell you. First Thing: Food Nazi Appointments Are Right Up There With Timeshare Seminars and Those Annoying Phone Calls From People Trying To Sell You Something. […]
live your best life
Living With IIH
It might be a public holiday here in Queensland today but the rest of the week is a big one, health wise at least, for me. I’ve got two follow-up appointments this week. The first is with my endocrinologist on Wednesday and the second is with my ophthalmologist (eye doc) on Friday. I’m then seeing the neurologist […]
My Day On A Plate
Since blogging about having the mehs last week (click here to catch up on that post) a few readers have got in touch with me to ask if I wouldn’t mind sharing the details of the meal plan The Food Nazi has put me on. I’m always more than happy to share any new information […]
Chasing The Mehs Away
For the past couple of weeks I’ve had a bit of a bout of what I like to call The Mehs. Other terms you might be familiar with to describe The Mehs include the blues, down in the dumps, feeling a bit shit house, having a rough day…you get the idea. It’s really not like […]
Are You On A Diet?
Yesterday I spent a good chunk of my day discussing my diet with a specialist. My neuro told me to go and see him because he believes that losing weight is the key to managing IIH and getting off the awful drug that is known as Diamox. Before I went to see the specialist, I had […]