When the Ophthalmologist told me back in October that my optic nerves were back to normal and it was time to get off the Diamox (you can catch up on that news in this post: Some Really Good News!) it took everything within me not to burst into tears of relief and joy right there and […]
Hospital Chic. Is It A Thing?
You know that saying about things happening in threes? I’m no gambler, but right about now I’d prefer some sort of race winning trifecta rather than the trio of triage visits the universe has thrown at me this year. On Thursday I found myself back in hospital. It had been 8 weeks since I was […]
A Weight Loss Update For You
I know I’ve kept you up to date with all things IIH related and part of that story involves losing weight. So today I thought I’d give you a weight loss update. To give you a bit of background, I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid 3 years ago which explains why I have […]
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Do you ever feel like you’re taking one step forward, two steps back? I reckon if I could sum 2015 up in a sentence, that would be it. Along with ‘Oh FFS’ and ‘That’d be right!’ as they seem to be two other catch phrases I have found myself blurting out (or thinking, depending on […]
Some Really Good News!
So remember last week when I mentioned I had a couple of big appointments to go regarding my IIH? Well they’re done and dusted and I have three things to tell you. First Thing: Food Nazi Appointments Are Right Up There With Timeshare Seminars and Those Annoying Phone Calls From People Trying To Sell You Something. […]