Welcome to the Episode 9 Recap: Real Housewives of Melbourne Desert Storm. If you missed last week’s recap, you can catch up on it right here: Drama In Dubai. Let the recap begin! The dinner in the desert continues with Gina trying to implement a Friendship 101 tutorial with PF, “Have you actually heard what we’re […]
The Real Housewives of Melbourne
Real Housewives Of Melbourne Recap: Here Come The Brides
This week’s Real Housewives of Melbourne recap kicks off at Gamble’s house, where we are still watching #bushgate unfold. You can catch up on what I’m referring to in this post: RECAP: Real Housewives of Melbourne – Season 3, Episode 3 All the housewives think PF was out of line by refusing Gamble’s invitation to […]
Real Housewives of Melbourne Reunion Show Part 2
Right, So the final instalment of The Real Housewives of Melbourne Reunion kicks off with Lydia trying to comfort Pettifleur after she stormed off set during last week’s show. Jackie fills host, Alex Perry (AP), in on what really happened (apparently Pettifleur accused Gina of not being a barrister) while Pettifleur is backstage insisting that […]
The Real Housewives Of Melbourne Reunion Show Recap
Welcome to The Real Housewives of Melbourne Reunion Show Recap Number One! It’s hosted by Alex Perry (very well known Aussie frock designer, who we will refer to as AP throughout this recap because it’s quicker and easier to type. Thank you for understanding) and features 7 housewives all ready to do battle with each […]
The Real Housewives of Melbourne Season 2 Finale Recap!
And just like that we find ourselves watching The Real Housewives of Melbourne Season 2 Finale. I KNOW. Time flies when you’re having fun! The Season 2 Finale episode kicks off with Gamble hosting her “dream event. Dog races for pets.” Pettifleur doesn’t have a dog (“It will not stop me beating these bitches”), Lydia’s […]