If you read my Back To School Countdown post last week, you’ll know that Scott’s been in the States for the last 10 days. He gets home tomorrow and let’s just say that tomorrow can’t come quick enough. Parenting on your own is bloody hard work and while I’m exhausted, I’m also in complete and […]
How To Get A Decent Cup Of Coffee In The USA
Before leaving for our trip to the USA, it was fair to say I was more than a little bit concerned about how I would cope without my morning cup of George (AKA a Nespresso cappuccino, lovingly made with a volluto pod, skim milk and a heavy handed shake of cappuccino chocolate powder on top, […]
The Friday Five: Overeaters Anonymous Edition
Normally on a Friday you’d be reading some sort of semi-witty banter right now as part of my regular Friday Five blog post. If you’re new around here and not sure what I’m talking about, feel free to read The Random Pinterest Edition or maybe you’d prefer to read the one where my Mum stalked Mrs […]