Something I’ve been hearing a lot of lately goes a little like this: “You’re looking good!” #awkward Which is followed by either, “How are you feeling?” (Answer: I’m getting there) OR “How did you do it?” That usually results in a conversation about my eating habits over the last 12 months or so along with how things are […]
Today’s The Day
On Saturday night I made my way to the hospital for the MRI that our good friend, the Sweary Neuro Bloke wanted me to have “to make sure we didn’t miss anything first time around.” I KNOW. Some people have all the Saturday night fun, right?! (If you’re new to the blog, last year I […]
My Health and Weight Loss Journey: An Update
When the Ophthalmologist told me back in October that my optic nerves were back to normal and it was time to get off the Diamox (you can catch up on that news in this post: Some Really Good News!) it took everything within me not to burst into tears of relief and joy right there and […]
A Weight Loss Update For You
I know I’ve kept you up to date with all things IIH related and part of that story involves losing weight. So today I thought I’d give you a weight loss update. To give you a bit of background, I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid 3 years ago which explains why I have […]
My Day On A Plate
Since blogging about having the mehs last week (click here to catch up on that post) a few readers have got in touch with me to ask if I wouldn’t mind sharing the details of the meal plan The Food Nazi has put me on. I’m always more than happy to share any new information […]