Welcome to this week’s Friday Five, which is actually a bit of a bonus edition as we discuss the Ten Things I’d Rather Do Than Eat Kale.
Long time readers will know I devised and started quite an intense How To Quit Kale program at the beginning of the year (you can read all about it in this post: How To Quit Kale)
I’m proud to announce that since beginning the program I haven’t craved kale once and I’m now officially five months #kalefree! I know. It is QUITE the achievement.
Stand by for the book deal to be announced any minute now as soon as I get a readership roughly seventy billion times bigger than the one I have now. Minor detail and then we’re good to go!
In the meantime, let’s find out what I’d rather do than eat kale. Feel free to add your own additions to the list via the comments section. I’d love to read them!
1. Unexpectedly step on a piece of Lego
2. Swallow a battery (a small one, not one of those big suckers. No need to be showing off and choking to death)
3. Chew on tin foil
4. Make a Justin Bieber vision board
5. Crimp my hair
6. Learn how The Cloud works
7. Get stuck in an elevator with Donald Trump, Kanye West and anyone who has just quit sugar
8. Sit in a room filled with 372 vanilla scented candles
9. Shave my legs above the knee
10. Dissect a goat
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