So tomorrow my Mum turns 65. And because not doing things by halves is obviously a genetic trait, Pam decided to order herself a sneaky 6 pack of champagne to celebrate. But because she’s away on a little holiday with Dad she had to get the booze delivered to my house. Which, I’m sure you would agree, was what can only be described as a High Risk Move.
Now to be fair, mum did text me to let me know that she’d placed “a little order with the bottle shop” that would be delivered to my house while she was away and “under no circumstances are you to drink it.” Which of course, would be code for “help yourself, because you’re such a good daughter.”
So you can see the Moral Dilemma I’m faced with, can’t you?! In order to help solve this problem, I asked the following question over on Facebook
Quick question for you….let’s pretend for a minute that your mum got a delivery of champagne sent to your house with strict instructions NOT TO DRINK IT, would you a) DRINK IT b) DRINK IT or c) DRINK IT?! Totally asking for a friend….
And let me tell you Lovely Readers, the answers were GOLD. Pure gold. So here we go with this week’s Friday Five: Five Reasons Why I Should Totally Drink Pam’s Birthday Champers….
1. You would want to check it in the interest of your mums safety surely?! Kate B from the blog, Kate Writes.
Why yes, yes I would. You are spot on the money there Kate. As if any of us would want Pam to succumb to a bout of gastro or even a nasty hangover due to a dodgy bottle of champers. Technically, by cracking open a bottle of the good stuff, I’d be doing Pam a favour.
2. That was what I was going to say. You better check the quality. Annaleis from the blog Teapots and Tractors
I’m loving that so many of you are so medically sensible. Quality Control is definitely a priority and one that I’m fairly sure I should adhere to.
3. Is that a trick question? I think I’d phone a friend….AND DRINK IT! Lock it in, Eddie! Rachel R, long time and hardcore supporter of this blog.
You are so right Rachel. Is that a trick question?! I think not. And yes, I totally should phone a friend, because everyone knows bubbles taste better with friends.
4. I’d chill at least one bottle .. & drink it……pfffft who wouldn’t Simone H, another fabulous supporter of this blog
Look, just quietly, I can not believe I didn’t think of that. Off to shove a bottle in the fridge now. Because everyone knows you life is too short for room temperature champagne.
5. Have you drunk my birthday prez yet? My high school BFF, Mel.
Look Mel, I feel you may have mis-understood the question and now I’m slightly concerned that my plans to crack open Pammy’s Moet might not be necessary, given that you’ve just reminded me that I do in fact have a bottle of my own sitting in the fridge, patiently waiting to be opened.
Now I doubt that Pam is reading this while she’s away on holiday, but just in case she is, can we all just keep pretend like we know nothing, that the booze is untouched and that I’ve definitely followed her instructions NOT TO DRINK IT. Thanks. Also, feel free to show the old chook a bit of birthday love in the comments section below. That will make her day xox
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